Graduating Spring 2020
What tool can you not create without? My camera, whenever I go out to places I’m constantly taking pictures of things that grab my attention.
Who inspires you professionally? The person who inspires me the most is Tyler Shields. His work in photography is very creative and he is not afraid to take risks and to do things that are out of the ordinary.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? I’d like to have the ability to fly, that way I can travel to places for free.
What is something you wish you had learned earlier? Adobe illustrator and Photoshop. Freshman year in college was the first time I was introduced to these programs, I’m still learning new things in Adobe. I wish I learned about it way before college because now it has made creating art easier and I enjoy using it.
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Art Therapy Student Spotlight
Graduating Spring 2019
What tool can you not create without? My mechanical pencil , every piece of mine starts off with a simple sketch.
Who inspires you professionally? Christine Randolph inspires me professionally. She began as a volunteer at Rockland Psychiatric Center. She eventually advocated for herself and now has her own program and studio called the Rockland Living Museum.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? If I could have one superpower it would be the power to heal.
What is something you wish you had learned earlier? I need to surround myself with people who have the same drive as I do, and the desire to be successful.
Visual Art Student Spotlight
Graduating Spring 2017
What tool can you not create without? My imagination. I try to be resourceful and think outside the box if I don’t have art supplies.
Who inspires you professionally? I’m inspired by many artists, both musical and on paper, and it tends to change often.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? That’s easy! I’d pick telekinesis, that way I could use it to mimic almost any ability.
What is something you wish you had learned earlier? 3D printing. It’s a cool way to create functional and wearable art.
Graphic Design Student Spotlight
Graduating Spring 2017
What tool can you not create without? A pencil and my sketchbook. I absolutely need to start on paper before I can start designing anything on the computer.
Who inspires you professionally? Chip Kidd, his work on book cover designs are crazy and innovated in some unconventional ways.
If you could have one superpower, what would it be? I’d like have the power of invisibility. It really supports my desire to be a fly on the wall and find out top secret information.
What is something you wish you had learned earlier? Graphic Design. I had the option of taking Graphic Design classes in high school, but I didn’t start until I went to college. I wish I started learning about it all a lot earlier just because it has become something that I love.
Graphic Design Student Spotlight
Graduating Spring 2016
What tool can you not create without? I can’t create without my sketch book, pencils and eraser. It is important to me to
create thumbnail sketches so I can work out ideas and think how to solve a design problem. It is more time efficient to sketch out ideas then to start by creating them on the computer.
Who inspires you professionally? Paula Scher because of the way she looked to solve design problems and make creative designs for Microsoft, Citi bank, and The Public Theater. I
learned a lot from her and the way she used elements such as hierarchy, scale, and text to create effective designs.
If you could live anywhere in the world for one year, where would it be and why? I would live nowhere if I was free to be
anywhere. I would not want to be limited to just one experience, I would want to see as much as possible
What is something you wish you had learned earlier? Nothing. Life is a learning experience and you can’t let what you didn’t know then stop you from living now.